Inovirus replication cycle

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  1. Virus particle attaches to target cell by g3p protein binding of host F pilus. Pilus retraction pulls the virion to the host internal membrane.
  2. The proteins of the capsid inject the DNA core into cell cytoplasm.
  3. Host polymerase convert the (+)ssDNA viral genome into a covalently closed dsDNA called replicative form DNA RF.
  4. viral genes are transcribed by host RNA polymerase.
  5. Viral g2p protein nicks RF DNA strand at the origin of replication.
  6. (+)strand replication occurs by rolling circle.
  7. New (+)ssDNA genomes are converted into new RF molecules, and further transcription occurs.
  8. When enough g5p protein is synthsized, convertion into RF dsDNA is inhibited, as neo-synthesized genomic ssDNA is covered with g5p.
  9. g5p are replaed by g8p proteins to assemble the viral capsid.
  10. new virions bud out from host cell.
  11. Infected cells continue to divide and produces virion indefinetely.
