PROSITE Domain View of selected proteins

This view shows all PROSITE profile matches on [Q5ZIJ9] protein, together with rule-based predicted features inside matches (to obtain details about the predicted features for a protein of interest use the link to the ScanProsite tool on the right of its image) [more].


1 protein with a MIB_HERC2, ZF_ZZ_2, MIB_HERC2, ANK_REPEAT, ANK_REP_REGION, ANK_REPEAT, ZF_RING_2 architecture:

Q5ZIJ9 hitsMIB_HERC2 [1 - 80] (35.028) ZF_ZZ_2 [86 - 138] (25.137) MIB_HERC2 [149 - 227] (36.076) ANK_REPEAT [464 - 496] (13.357) ANK_REP_REGION [464 - 773] (66.107) ANK_REPEAT [497 - 529] (12.289) ANK_REPEAT [530 - 562] (8.630) ANK_REPEAT [631 - 655] (10.953) ANK_REPEAT [665 - 697] (14.746) ZF_RING_2 [910 - 943] (10.527)    scan