PROSITE Domain View of selected proteins

This view shows all PROSITE profile matches on [F6QEU4] protein, together with rule-based predicted features inside matches (to obtain details about the predicted features for a protein of interest use the link to the ScanProsite tool on the right of its image) [more].


1 protein with a ZF_RING_2, ZF_BBOX, FILAMIN_REPEAT, NHL architecture:

F6QEU4 hitsZF_RING_2 [12 - 76] (10.498) ZF_BBOX [142 - 189] (8.574) ZF_BBOX [219 - 260] (12.002) FILAMIN_REPEAT [425 - 526] (25.288) NHL [541 - 582] (15.255) NHL [586 - 629] (16.777) NHL [633 - 676] (17.702) NHL [680 - 723] (12.295) NHL [727 - 770] (17.558) NHL [774 - 814] (13.487)    scan